Update #: 8
Currently:In a no smoking, no gaming, absolutely quiet (but slightly more expensive) Internet cafe off of Orchard Road in Singapore. All the usual software is actually available, hench the minor design updates.
Previously: Taiwan.
Well, the trip has officially begun. After the little tune-up in Taiwan I'm now solo for the first time in Southeast Asia. I left Taipei at about 5:30am to catch a bus to the airport, and from there I had a quick stopover in Hong Kong (in which they forced us to get off the plane to clean it, only so they could allow us to take our exact same seats after we re-checked in) and arrived in Singapore at around 3pm.
First impressions:
-Much, much more english spoken, also:
-A lot more Westerners
-The city is like one big resort town (complete with all the designer shops and a Nick Faldo designed golf course)
-They drive on the opposite side of the road (also less scooters)
-The women are more attractive, possibly because:
-People are more fashion conscious
-Everything's a little more expensive (except for the suits - I can get a hand-made custom tailored suit for about $150 bucks)
-More food choices (indian, italian, thai, vietnamese, and of course american)
-Western style keyboards and operating system
About the snapple, I found it inside this little shop in a building off of Orchard Road (the picture is pretty close to where I was dropped off after leaving the airport). I walked in and before I said anything, the three people behind the counter suggested I have a sandwich and a drink.
Me: Ok.
Them: Tuna sandwich?
Me: Sure.
Them: And how about a Lime Tea Snapple?
Me: Sounds good.
-insert 15 minutes to eat the sandwich, drink snapple from the wine glass, peruse the latest edition of Wallpaper. 8 Singaporian dollars, and a full stomach later - I'm ready for a nap.
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