Update #: 11
After a somewhat tricky trip from the Jurong Bird Park, I arrived at the Singapore Night Safari two hours before closing. This was good because I got to the Bird Park about an hour before closing, which actually meant that I got there in time to see them close up shop. Most of the shows stopped at 5:00, even though the park closed at 6:00. So, although I still got to see many of the birds, and the world's largest man made waterfall, I didn't get a chance to ride the monorail or hang out in the Lory Loft.
One of the benefits of showing up late however, was that not many people were left at the park, and I think this gave the birds a greater sense of confidence. At one point I was literally chased out of an exhibit by this little blue bird who luckily didn't decide to take flight (I actually have some video footage, as the chase lasted for quite a while).
So with a whole two hours to spare I entered, I think, the world's only nightime zoo/safari. The night started off with a little exhibition of a few of the different animals. Five minutes into the show, there was a large racoon like creature hanging upside down only a few feet (or meters) in front of me. Also right in front of me was a tourist of unknown origin - about to take a flash photo of said creature. Luckily the staff got to this person seconds before the picture was snapped (at another point in the night, we were on a tram going through a simulated rain forest and this guy decided it'd be a good place to make a few cell phone calls).
The highlight of the night (besides seeing lions, rhinos, and pumas in action) was having the whole flying squirrels room all to myself for about 10-15 minutes. When I entered this baby deer slowly walked across the path, stopping half way, looking at me, wondering what I was doing there. A few steps later and I was eye to eye with a flying squirrel, just hanging out so to speak. The night ended with a shared cab ride home with two Germans (from the south - tschus instead of wiedersehen :) Unfortunately, the cab ride was cut short right as I was about to start discussing the greatness of Dirk Nowitzki and Volkswagen.
That's VolkswagEn ya bum!
Ha ha,
Posted by: Karrer | 20 September 2004 at 20:23
Posted by: adam | 20 September 2004 at 23:41