The NY times writes about the impact videogames (and the people who play them) may have on the mindset of today's younger workforce.
Some quotes:
- Trial and error is almost always the best plan. (the best rewards come to those who take risks)
- It's all about the competition.
- Young people rule. (ie: f- authority)
Also, there's the issue of control. Why does lil' Billy choose to play videogames instead of play outside??
- "You are the star. Unlike, say, Little League, where most kids will never be the star."
- "You're the boss. The world is very responsive to you."
- "There's always an answer. You might be frustrated for a while, you might even never find it, but you know it's there."
Side note: these points mirror, almost exactly, the benefits of extreme sports.
So now imagine a generation of kids growing up with these awesome positive influences (take chances, be in control, screw authority) and what do you think will happen??
more later, gotta run and catch kill bill vol 2 on the big screen (still playing in theaters in cairo!)
update on 4.12: there's a book on the impact of videogames on society called "Got Game" and it talks about "the resilience of gamers, because they have to fail literally
thousands of times to succeed, so they know how to transcend failure."
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